Golden Honeymoon Melons, Rugoso di Cosenza Melons, Eggs! well for a few of you, Blue Lake Green Beans, or Italian Roma Beans, (the green beans of my childhood) zukes, cukes, tomatoes, Basil & Flowers.
This week's gift Very Berry Jam. Now you know what happened to the blackberries and blueberries. The raspberries are from a friend.
The flowers have an herb called Shiso in the vase. For those of you familiar with Sushi, you'll have had it before. I like it mixed with cream cheese and Nanami Togarashi (a Japanese spice that some what like paprika mixed with sesame seed), spread on bread and eaten with cukes and avocado. You can also try it in pasta or rice.
Coming soon, grapes & sunflowers.
On a different note, my mother has been in an automobile accident and is in the trauma center at Valley Med. It's been a tough week here on the farm.
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