Golden Honeymoon Melons, Little Sweet Sakata Melons, Eggs!, White Corn (last for awhile), Sweet dumpling squashes, zukes, cukes, German White Garlic and Amaryllis Belladona.
This week's gifts: Brandied Apricots & either cookies or zuke bread.
Above right, mixed melon salad with Strawberry/Rhubarb Sake Dressing

Right: Zukes on the grill. To make Zukes less watery, place them on a paper towel (doubled) and salt them. Let them sit for 10 minutes, flip them over. Press another layer of paper towels on top. Then oil and grill. Much better! Less mushy!
Coming soon to your box, Sun dried tomatoes (well, as one of you pointed out, they are really dried tomatoes.) But that doesn't sound as good, now does it? Get your melon spoons out! Next week there's more and peppers!

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