They're here!
I knew right where everything was, as I was prepared for chickens, just not in the kitchen! So I had to scope a box. Lucky for me, my brother had just got a brand spanking new smoker and left the box near the recycling. Home, chickey home, well until Leo comes home and takes a saw to the coop door.
There are 3 cats at the back door, saying why can't we come in and see the birdie num nums?
These lovely chicks came to us from Sandhill Perservation. There are some Dorkings, Ameraucana, Kraienkoppe, Rhode Island Reds, Wellsummer, and Jersey Giants.
Only 2 died en-route. Funeral Services will be held at 11:00 a.m. The rest are bouncing around, and Zack, the original Chicken Mommy is currently chick sitting. I'm guessing of the 25 that are here, there are at least a dozen hens. It'll be nice to have plenty of eggs again.
"No Mountain Lions need apply".
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