Garlic & Lupinis & Favas |
Well here she is in all her glory, the Valley Oak that lives in the creek. She's putting on her new skirt and the leaves are as big as a squirrel's ear, so that means it's time to get planting.
She's my faithful indicator tree.
The soil is still very cool, so my knees tell me, so way too early to plant anything like corn, but that doesn't mean that I've not been busy with lettuce and other greens.
As you can see, the garlic is looking good. The bed on the right is newly transplanted garlic which I found hiding in the field when we went to plant the willow hedge.
Behind the favas are another row that I'll be putting cabbages in later today.
I harvested my first asparagus yesterday, and this morning, more have popped up.
Row P here, I planted in Mizuna last November. To the right of them are early onions. But we all know the onions take so long that if that was all that was in this bed I'd be weeding every day. So yesterday I planted 2 kinds of Misticanza. One with radicchio and other greens, and one with just lettuce. Today when I pick the Mizuna, the Misticanza will start getting larger. By the time I harvest the Mizuna again, the Misticanza should be just about full grown and ready to pick. Each of these should give 2 pickings unless the weather turns abysmally hot. Please no summer in early spring.
Joseph's turnip greens need thinning! I also planted these in November, so we should be eating these soon. In the bed next to them are also raddishes that need to be harvested.
There's also a couple of cabbages lingering about that should be harvested, and the kale is not liking this weather, so out it will come.
The rhubarb is also up, and won't be long till it's ready to harvest.
I lost a few rhubarb plants over the winter. Was it too dry, too cold, too hot, too many gophers? I haven't any idea, but they take so long from seed that it's annoying to lose any of them.
Here's the second bed that I've been working on, row 66. Note at the back of row 66 is part of the chicken coop roof that blew off in that crazy windstorm we had on New Year's Day. We also lost a couple of trees that day. Thankfully, no Eucy trees dropped on us.
Row 66 has carrots and onions on the sides. But down the middle I planted lettuce, Scarlet Ohno, mild mustard and Baby Choi.
Scarlet Ohno is a turnip planted just for it's mild greens. It did not do well for us last year, this is its last chance, if it fails to perform I'll send these seeds farther North or East.
The soil is too damp for tilling, so I can only plant the beds that Leo prepared many moons ago for me.
These are the lovely Wando Alaska X that I crossed. Which I may call Skado or Doska if they turn out any good this year. These are English Shelling peas.
I also have some lovely snow peas to plant. Which I'll put in pretty soon.
The leeks, onions, cress, collards, spinach, and Chinese cabbage are already to transplant. Soon as I get them in, I'll have another tray to start more peppers and onions for later in the season.
So many greens this year!
I received a note from Sandhill Preserve that our new flock of chickens should be here in March. And a darn good thing too, because with only 4 hens left from the Mountain Lion Attack, I'm only getting 2 eggs a day. That's barely enough to keep up with the morning ritual. I have to stash eggs to be able to have enough for weekend pancakes and French toast! I actually had to buy eggs last week. Eww. Store bought eggs! I think March chickens will give us eggs by June or July. My Father used to say, "She's no spring chicken" all the time, and by golly I know what he means now. Spring chickens lay early, late fall chickens start laying at the same time, but you have to feed them all winter. Now you know why I didn't replace the flock earlier.Hopefully the farm will get a few more inches of rain before we're done for the season.
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