This is the last box of the season. Thank you all for being such wonderful customers and keeping the farm going. If you want to sign up again for next season, see Leo.
What's in the Box
Banana Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Corn, Pomegranates, Peppers-Sweet and Hot, a few tomatoes, Eggplant, Potatoes, Chives/Cilantro/Parsley, Spaghetti Squash, Eggs, Delicata Squash & a Sweet Dumpling Squash.
This weeks special gift: Cranberry/Pumpkin Seed Bread or Coffee Cake or Gluten Free Pumpkin Bars.
Thank all of you for saving egg cartons during the off season. I'm out of cartons and packing eggs without cartons is precarious. You can give cartons and jars during the off season to Leo.
Banana Squash is simple, cut it in half, spray a pan with olive oil and the squash. Sprinkle with brown sugar and bake at 350 for about 25 minutes. You can also butter the squash, honey the squash and add orange peel. We like even just salted.
8 oz. Jack cheese, cut in 12 strips
12 peeled chiles. To peel grill peppers till they are blistered and scrape off skin. (This can be done over a gas burner as well).
8 eggs
2/3 c. milk
1 c. flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 c. Cheddar cheese
Put cheese strips in chiles and arrange on a greased 8x13 pan.
Beat eggs, milk, flour and baking powder until smooth. Pour evenly over chiles. Sprinkle with Cheddar cheese.
Bake uncovered at 350°F for 45 minutes.
“Sun-Dried” Tomato Pesto
Makes 1 cup
1 cup packed “sun dried” Tomatoes
2 small garlic cloves
2 tablespoons Italian parsley, coarsely chopped
¼ cup pumpkin seeds
About 4 tablespoons or more light olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Place all of the ingredients in the food processor and pulse to grind. You can make the pesto a bit grainy or process to a smooth puree. Taste to adjust seasoning, and have fun with the ingredients. If you want more garlic, add it. If you crave a little tartness, add a squeeze of lemon. You may need to add more olive oil.
Cover with a bit of light olive oil and refrigerate. Holds for about a week. Or freeze for up to 6 months.
For those of you who asked again for the chicken and jam recipe:
Jammin' Chicken
2 T. any yellow jam
2 T. olive oil
2 T. Soy Sauce or Teriyaki Sauce
6 chicken thighs
Mix the first 3 ingredients, pour over chicken thighs and bake for 30-40 minutes. We have tried this with the Melon Ginger Jam, the Apricot Pineapple and the Peach Pepper Jam. All are good. Zack and Casey like Melon Ginger. With a side of rice and baked banana squash, you have dinner!
Have a great winter, see you in January.
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