Not the Salsa! The temperature. It's 103. The salsa is only moderate and will be in your boxes come Mid-October.
Reminder that in October we go to every other week again and will continue until first frost. Which could be just before Thanksgiving or at Halloween.

People and Planet:
Thursdays: September 30, October 14, October 28 and then we shall see!
Wednesdays: September 29, October 6, October 20, November 3...weather permitting.
What's coming?
Sweet Potatoes, Sweet Dumpling Squash, Cantaloupes, Dry Beans, Pumpkins, Spaghetti Squash. Tomatoes, Peppers and Eggplant, and Strawberries until first frost. We might even get another batch of sweet corn, green beans and cucumbers...however if the weather is going to jump from 80 to 100 every week, things could get ugly.
I planted cabbage and cauliflower just before the temperature began to sizzle. It's possible that we could see these before Thanksgiving.
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