It BeginsInnocently enough with tomatoes. In June? Yep, in June. Once a year I clean out the freezer to prepare for the onslaught of garden produce. Every year in September, I begin to freeze tomatoes. God knows I would not want to run short. So I fill up to shelves. Of course, I have already frozen peaches, apricots, grapes, berries, juice, melons, green beans, rhubarb etc. Things are precariously crammed in. When we used to have sheep, one year I got hit on the head with a frozen leg of lamb while hunting in the freezer. It slid off the shelf. Zack found me on the floor of the barn. I was down for the count. That was a nasty little concussion. Hence the compulsive freezer cleaning. But what does one do with September tomatoes in June? Why sauce of course!And then comes rhubarb and berries, cucumbers, more tomatoes, plums, grapes....well you get the picture. So you've had the wind up, here's the pitch: Please, all wayward canning jars, pints, 1/2 pints, etc. report for duty.And many thanks to all of you who have send me additional jars.
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